Empress of the Universe

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Storm of 2006 - New York City in a blanket of snow

Storm of 2006 (c)Michelle Henderson www.empressoftheuniverse.blogspot.com
I took this picture Sunday morning about 8:00 a.m. looking south down Broadway from 86th Street West. There is not a car, truck, taxi, police car, fire truck, pedestrian in sight. But when I uploaded the picture I was shocked. I thought someone had changed the settings on the camera to take only black and white photos. Then I saw the bright orange hand glowing "Don't Walk." This is a color photo, but there was no color in the city that morning. Everything was shades of grey.

Storm of 2006 (c)Michelle Henderson www.empressoftheuniverse.blogspot.comThis view is looking north up Broadway. The only colors showing are the traffic lights ahead and the neon of a pink and blue sign behind the bus shelter. My only regret is that I didn't think to go to Central Park to play in the snow.

(c) 2006 Empress of the Universe
aka Michelle Henderson

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